Movendo Média Filtro Usando Vhdl

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No entanto, a melhoria varia entre diabéticos e não diabéticos após a fisioterapia. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficácia da fisioterapia (técnicas de mobilização e terapia interferencial) em indivíduos diabéticos e não diabéticos com capsulite adesiva do ombro. Sujeitos e Métodos: Trinta pacientes (15 com diabetes mellitus, glicemia de jejum 8805127mgdl e 2h de glicose no sangue é 8805l80 mgdl e 15 com não-diabetes). Eles tinham capsulite adesiva unilateral, com duração de mais de três meses e perda de movimento passivo da articulação do ombro em relação ao lado não afetado. Dor com movimento com escore visual mínimo de escala visual (VAS) de 5. Os sujeitos atribuídos aos grupos diabéticos e não diabéticos foram tratados com terapia interferencial, técnicas de mobilização e programa de exercícios domiciliares. A duração do tratamento foi de 10 dias em ambos os grupos. A avaliação dos pacientes foi inicial e aos 3, 5, 7 e 10 dias pela escala visual analógica (VAS), para a intensidade da dor e goniômetro para a amplitude de movimentos do ombro (abdução e rotação externa). Resultados: A idade média, a duração dos sintomas, as razões de sexo foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. A comparação dos escores de dor iniciais e dos valores de ROM entre os dois grupos não revelou significância estatística (P 0, 05). As mudanças médias nos valores das pontuações de dor e da amplitude de movimento do ombro e da rotação externa revelaram significância estatística significativa (PA Survey of K-Means and GA-KM O Algoritmo de Agrupamento Híbrido Yogita chauhan, Vaibhav Chaurasia, Chetan Agarwal Aplicação do algoritmo de agrupamento híbrido que combina algoritmo de agrupamento de particionamento e algoritmo de pesquisa heurística. O nosso método usa o método de porcionamento com o algoritmo genético. Primeiro nós agrupamos os dados utilizando o algoritmo de agrupamento K-Means com o valor de K no de clusters então calculamos o centróide de K, obtém-se a partir do passo anterior, aplicando algoritmo genético para centroides para o valor dado K clusters (GAKM). Após a aplicação do GAKM, comparamos o resultado do algoritmo K-Means simples e GAKM. Os resultados experimentais mostram que o cluster obtido De GAKM são fornece o resultado mais ideal na comparação do resultado simples do conjunto do algoritmo de K-Means. Análise do crescimento da soja Var Ieties Em Terra Seca Com Aplicação De Fontes De Nitrogênio Avaliação De Desempenho De Um Imperceptible E Robusto Secured E-Voting Modelo Design De Área E Velocidade Eficiente Square Root Carry Selecionar Adder Usando Fast Adders Estudantes Percepção De Programas De Engenharia Estudo De Caso De Estudantes Em Wa Polytechnic Atribuição De Tarefa Em Robot Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Implementação do Sistema de Controle Distribuído no Gerenciamento de Controle de Processos Usando o MATLAB Desenvolvimento de Robusto Design de Controle de Vôo para o Helicóptero Aeronáutico Não Tripulado Desenvolvimento de Antena Recebendo Estação Terrena e Análise de Design de Filtro Digital para VSAT em C Band Trauma de Rim Patológico Cerca de 13 Casos E Revisão da Literatura Sistema de Gestão do Departamento para Departamentos das Universidades do Sri Lanka Correlação de Percepção de Casais de Idade Produtiva para Participação em Programas de População e Planejamento Familiar Processo de Pasteurização Otimização de Energia para uma Planta de Leite por Processo de Auditoria de Energia Amplificação Paramétrica Óptica 6. 45 Mcm para GasxSe1-X Osteocondrite Dissecans dos côndilos femorais Cerca de 5 casos Pseudarthose do colo femoral tratada com artroplastia total do quadril (cerca de 14 casos). Interesse De Cirurgia De Navegação Na Artroplastia Total De Joelho Análise De Vulnerabilidade E Sistema De Segurança Para Telefones Móveis Habilitados NFC Testando Técnica De Modelagem Semivariograma Cumulativa Na Anomalia Bouguer Modelo Híbrido De E-Learning Com Gestão De Conhecimento Para O Que Estende O Procedimento De Aquisição Seguido Sob O Contrato Interministerial - (Estudo de Caso Vihiga County, Quénia) Análise de Forma de Modo de Vibração Livre e Fabricação da Gaiola de Rolo Para Veículo Todo-Terreno Baseado em FEA Investigar os Parâmetros para o Realce de Desempenho de um Aquecedor de Ar Solar Tendo Diferentes Artificialmente Roughened Geometries Segmentação e Classificação de lesões de mama Em imagens de ultra-som Allele Freqüência do gene P53 Arg72Pro em pacientes com meningioma sudanesa e controles Análise de requisitos de processo de negócios de TI com um algoritmo baseado em autômato finito Relação entre densidade básica e diferentes tipos de características anatômicas Ratios de Eucalyptus Tereticornis Sm. Clones Desenvolvimentos Recentes No Uso De Óleo De Palma Na Aquicultura Feeds: Uma Revisão Implementação De Acústica Espelhos De Reversão De Tempo Baseados Para Localização De Origem Identificação De Ejecção De Massa Coronal Interplanetária Com Nuvem Magnética No Ano 2005 Em 1 AU Design Do Aparelho De Solda Para Submontagem De Extremidade De Cabeça Of Motor Case Análise microbiológica e fisicoquímica da água de Empurau Fish (Tor Tambroides) Fazenda em Kuching, Sarawak, Malásia Borneo A Novel Single Phase Five Level Inverter With Coupled Inductors E fechado Loop SystemRefine DSP empresas e produtos: Clique em qualquer fornecedor para ver um Listagem de produtos relacionados ao DSP. A FMC645 é uma placa filha FMC de processador de sinal digital baseada no dispositivo Texas Instruments TMS320C6455. A placa filha FMC645 é mecânica e eletricamente compatível com a norma FMC (ANSIVITA 57.1). O cartão tem um conector de contagem de pinos altos e pode ser usado em um ambiente de refrigeração por condução. O cartão é equipado com alimentação de energia e monitoramento de temperatura e oferece vários modos de desligamento para desligar funções não utilizadas e interfaces periféricas. Diversos pares diferenciais Gigabit do conector FMC são usados ​​para implementar uma interface PCIe e Serial Rapid IO entre o FMC ea operadora. Muitas outras interfaces digitais de IO também são disponibilizadas para a operadora FMC. Devido ao uso de tradutores de nível entre o DSP e o conector FMC, o FMC645 pode operar totalmente em qualquer portadora compatível com VITA 57.1. Um banco embutido de 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM conecta diretamente ao DSP, fornecendo assim ao FMC645 os recursos de memória necessários para aplicações de processamento de sinal exigentes. () FM577 O FM577 é um baixo custo, baixo consumo de 65nm base FPGA placa disponível no fator de forma PMC () FM485Dual FPGA Virtex-5 e Virtex-4 com 128 MB DDR2 e 16 MB de QDRII SDRAM Local PMC-X E XMC para processamento de DSP de conversão analógica de alta largura de banda () FM486Dual FPGA Virtex-5 Virtex-4 com até 512 MB DDR3 e 8 MB de QDRII SDRAM Memória Local PMC-X e XMC para processamento de DSP de conversão analógica de alta largura de banda FM482Dual Xilinx Virtex-4 Processador de sinal FPGA PMCXMC Um DSP DAC para regeneração de sinal analógico de alta velocidade e processamento de sinal digital A DSP ADC para captura de sinal analógico de alta velocidade e processamento de sinal digital CPCI381A 3U CompactPCI placa fornecendo uma plataforma poderosa Para captura de sinal analógico de alta velocidade e processamento de sinal digital () TMS320C32 ponto flutuante DSP, executando a 60 MHz, oferecendo 30 MIPS Duas amostragem simultânea de 12 bits AD canais Taxa de amostragem programável até 7,5 Msamplessec Fornece uma plataforma poderosa para alta velocidade analógica sinal Captura e processamento de sinal digital () Dois canais de entrada analógicos são capazes de amostragem simultânea em (máximo) 7,5 taxa de amostragem MSps Software local permite o processamento de sinal melhorado e específico do usuário Os erros de ganho e deslocamento são compensados ​​pela DSP CPCI383A 3U CompactPCI fornecendo um poderoso Plataforma para alta velocidade de geração de sinal analógico (re) geração e processamento de sinal digital () TMS320C32 ponto flutuante DSP, executando a 60 MHz, oferecendo 30 MIPS Três alta velocidade, 16 bits DA canais taxa de saída analógica é programável software até 7,5 Msamplessec (Usando DMA, canal único) Fornece uma plataforma poderosa para a geração de sinal analógico de alta velocidade (re) geração e processamento de sinal digital () Analógico e digital IO () Analógico e digital IO () O M393 8 canais de entrada diferencial ADC M-módulo É muito adequado para ser usado em aplicações em que a conversão de sinal autônomo é um problema, bem como em aplicações de médio alcance padrão () Canais habilitados são digitalizados na taxa máxima e Os resultados de conversão são armazenados em memória compartilhada Um DSP local executa todas as funcionalidades e funções específicas do usuário podem ser adicionadas para operação personalizada. O M-módulo de entrada em modo comum M392 16-Channel ADC M-módulo é muito bem adequado para ser usado em aplicações em que a conversão de sinal autônomo é um problema, bem como em aplicações de médio alcance padrão () Canais ativados são digitalizados na taxa máxima e Os resultados de conversão são armazenados na memória compartilhada Um DSP local executa todas as funcionalidades, como a calibração. Funções específicas do usuário podem ser adicionadas para operação personalizada. TMS320C32 ponto flutuante DSP, executando em 60 MHz, fornecendo 30 MIPS () Otimizado para baixo custo, estendendo o alcance de FPGAs mais em sensíveis ao custo, aplicações de alto volume () Conjunto de recursos definidos pelo cliente, desempenho líder da indústria e baixo Consumo de energia Grande densidade aumentada e mais recursos, tudo a um custo significativamente menor 150 incorporados 18 x 18 multiplicadores Nios II, StratixCalas de freqüência de clock internas até 500 MHz e desempenho típico 250 MHz () Oferecem em média 50 desempenho mais rápido e mais de 2x a lógica Os FPGAs Stratix de primeira geração fornecem uma largura de banda 50 vezes maior do que os processadores de sinais digitais individuais e de chip único. Os blocos DSP têm a flexibilidade e o desempenho necessários para implementar aplicações rápidas e intensivas em aritmética, como processamento de imagem, comunicações sem fio, Médico 28-nm Stratix V FPGAsCom o bloco de DSP de precisão variável, Alteras Stratix V FPGA pode suportar 8211 numa base bloco a bloco 8211 v Arious precisões que vão de 9 bits x 9 bits até ponto flutuante de precisão única (multiplicação mantissa) dentro de um único bloco DSP () Isso libera você de restrições de arquitetura FPGA, permitindo que você use a precisão otimizada em cada estágio do DSP Dados O aumento do desempenho do sistema, consumo de energia reduzido e restrições arquitectónicas reduzidas Cada bloco de precisão variável pode ser configurado em tempo de compilação para implementar: Multiplicadores duplos de 18 bits x 18 bits na soma ou modos independentes Até 680K elementos lógicos ) 2X maior do que a família Alterti Stratix III Os dispositivos Altera de 40 nm atendem às diversas necessidades de aplicações high-end em um grande número de mercados, como comunicações sem fio e por cabo, militares, broadcast e projeção ASIC Kit de desenvolvimento Stratix DSP Kit de desenvolvimento para Texas Instruments Plataformas de desenvolvimento DSP para permitir o desenvolvimento de coprocessadores FPGA () Possui uma placa de desenvolvimento com o dispositivo Stratix EP1S80, dois conversores AD de 12 bits e 125 MHz, dois 14 bits, conversores DA de 165 MHz, 64 Mbits de memória Flash, 2 Mbytes de SRAM síncrona e um conector para placas de avaliação Analog Devices AD Inclui uma placa filha multiplataforma que se conecta diretamente ao Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 de alto desempenho e custo - Eficiente TMS320C5000 plataformas de desenvolvimento DSP Fornece versões de avaliação de hardware da propriedade intelectual DSP chave, incluindo um compilador FIR, compilador de filtro de resposta de impulso infinito (IIR), bem como Correlator, FFT, Viterbi e Reed Solomon núcleos Stratix II FPGAExtensive IP portfolio support () Oferece mais de 142 GMACS de throughput DSP usando blocos DSP Oferece 4x a largura de banda do bloco DSP de dispositivos Stratix 8211 até 370 MHz Uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento DSP com acesso expandido a Altera IP E suporte para o software MathWorks MATLAB 7SimuLink 6 () Suporta as famílias de dispositivos Atratix II e Cyclone II Suporta Alteras DSP Meg ACore IP portfolio Inclui um conversor de espaço de cor UP core e um design de referência de detecção de borda com um filtro bidimensional para projetos de processamento de vídeo e imagem Sinalização e interfaces IO de alta velocidade Suporta as mais recentes interfaces de memória externa em circuitos dedicados, incluindo SDRAM DDR2 , RLDRAM II e QDRII SRAM Traz funcionalidade de lógica programável e benefícios para novas aplicações que exigem segurança de design Memória TriMatrix Placa de desenvolvimento DS1 Stratix EP1S80A Incluído com o kit de desenvolvimento DSP Stratix Professional Edition Dois conversores AD de 12 bits e 125 MHz Dois 14 (1) Totalmente compatível com Altera DSP IP Suporta as famílias Stratix, Stratix II, Cyclone e Cyclone II Permite a prototipagem rápida com placas de desenvolvimento DSP Alterathird-party Stratix II Dev . Kit DSP placa de desenvolvimento, Stratix II Edition com um dispositivo Statix ​​II () Fornece variedade de IOs analógicos e digitais 16 MB SDR SDRAM 16 MB Flash 1 MB SRAM 32 MB memórias compact flash MATLABSimulink software de avaliação DSP BuilderLinks MATLABSimulink ferramentas com o Altera Quartus II design software () Totalmente compatível com Altera DSP IP Suporta as famílias Stratix, Stratix II, Cyclone e Cyclone II Permite a prototipagem rápida com placas de desenvolvimento DSP Alterathird-party Cyclone II FPGAIndustrys plataforma lógica programável de baixo custo para implementação de DSP Oferece até 68.416 LEs de lógica Densidade e 1.1 Mb de memória incorporada Fornece multiplicadores configuráveis ​​incorporados para aplicações DSP de baixo custo Fornece até 150 multiplicadores de 18 bits x 18 bits operando em até 250 MHz Um microcomputador de chip único otimizado para processamento de sinal digital e outros processadores de alta velocidade () O kit de avaliação EZ-KIT Lite está disponível para ADIs ADSP-21160x família SHARC de DSPs, bem como ADSP-2189 M-Series () Fornece um método de baixo custo para a avaliação inicial de ambas as arquiteturas DSP O kit ADSI-21160M EZ-Kit Lite interfaces para ADIs Conjunto de ferramentas VisualDSP O kit ADSP-2189M EZ-KIT Lite consiste em um Stand-alone DSP board com geração de código e software de depuração e facilita a avaliação da família DSP ADSP-218x, bem como o ambiente de desenvolvimento VisualDSP, que inclui um compilador C, montador e vinculador. Um DSP de 16 bits de ponto fixo otimizado para telecomunicações e outros aplicativos de processamento numérico de alta velocidade () Opera a 160 MHz e é capaz de 160 MIPS DSP é compatível com a família ADSP-21xx com desempenho aprimorado Suporte a interfaces de sistema On-chip Sistemas de telefonia de alta densidade baseados em T1, E1 e H.100 Um DSP de alto desempenho capaz de fornecer funcionalidade de controle MCU em um único conjunto de instruções com desempenho sustentado de 300 MHz () Um processador DSP incorporado que integra dois núcleos DSP (Blackfin DSP) Cada núcleo contém dois multiplicadores acumuladores (MACs), duas ALUs de 40 bits, quatro ALUs de vídeo de 8 bits e um único comutador de barril. Uma rede Internet Gateway Processador Chip DSP com uma arquitetura capaz de executar várias operações em paralelo () Um conjunto de três processadores DSP na família TigerSHARC () Um processador TigerSHARC DSP () Static sup Erscalar arquitetura que suporta 1, 9, 16 e 32 bits de ponto fixo de processamento de alto desempenho, 600 MHz, taxa de instrução de 1,67 nsecs núcleo DSP 24 Mbits incorporado DRAM embutido internamente organizado em seis bancos com particionamento definido pelo usuário A 16 (DSP) de ponto fixo de bit de 100 bits otimizado para telecomunicações e outros aplicativos de processamento numérico de alta velocidade () Uma família de seis microcomputadores de um único chip otimizados para aplicações de processamento de sinal digital () 1-Mbit de dual-portado, onchip SRAM pode ser configurado pelo usuário IEEE 784-884 compatível com ponto flutuante 14 canais de controlador DMA apoio transferência de dados entre a memória interna e externa, periféricos externos, processador host e várias portas SHARC174 Processadores, Em sua terceira geração, combinam um núcleo de processamento de ponto fixo e ponto flutuante de alto desempenho com subsistemas sofisticados de processamento de memória e IO. () Um núcleo de DSP de ponto fixo Multiply-Accumulate (MAC), de 16 bits de baixa potência, projetado especificamente para projetos embutidos e altamente integrados de System-on-Chip (SoC) Alta freqüência 8211 até 200 MHz 0.13u pior Processo Lento - velocidade de clock e consumo de corrente, linearmente dividido, relativo ao modo ativo por um fator definido pelo usuário e modo de Parada - corrente de fuga somente Alta densidade de código usando a largura de 16 bits de instruções CEVA-X1620 A DSPCEVA-X1620 é a primeira implementação da família CEVA-X DSP composta por 16 bits de largura de dados e duas unidades MAC () Os mercados-alvo CEVA-X1620 incluem telefones celulares 3G e software de rádio, PDAs, Processamento de áudio para dispositivos móveis, gateways VoIP e modems de banda larga e entretenimento em casa (Digital TV, HDTV, PVR, HD-DVD) Dual MAC de 16 bits de ponto fixo DSP Combinação de conceitos de arquitectura VLIW e SIMD Disponíveis como parte da Caixa de Ferramentas CEVA Desenvolvimento de Software Envi Ronment () Otimizador de construção de projeto: cria configurações de construção otimizadas, simula e perfis múltiplos cenários de aplicação com base na aplicação de clientes e condições exatas do sistema DSP e bibliotecas de comunicação: C-Callable conjunto funções otimizadas, melhorar significativamente o desempenho e tempo de desenvolvimento de DSP e aplicações de comunicação Application Profiler: Um aplicativo de nível C e um perfil de subsistema de memória de alta precisão Um núcleo de DSP de ponto fixo de 16 bits e multipropósito de baixo desempenho e alto desempenho, duplo, de 16 bits Plataforma de áudio programável integrada: núcleo DSP E subsistema Ampla gama de codecs de áudio Curto prazo para o mercado Baixo risco () Desempenho robusto: Baixo custo - 0.5mm2 para o DSP em processo de 65nm Baixa potência - 0.5 mW para decodificador MP3 estéreo Património tecnológico forte: Utiliza CEVA-TeakLite Tecnologia Códecs de áudio implantados em mercados de dispositivos celulares e de consumidores principais Solução de fonte única: reduz riscos e complexidade da solução O AMC-D24AF 4-RF2 é um cartão AdvancedMC (AMC) altamente integrado com dois canais de transceptor RF de banda larga. O processador principal do module22683648482s é o processador de sinal digital TCI6638 (DSP) ARM194174 SoC, que inclui oito núcleos TMS320C66x DSP, bem como quatro núcleos ARM Cortex194174-A15 para processamento de camada superior. O módulo também tem dois C6678 DSPs, além de um grande Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA. () AMC-D1F1-1200Um módulo AdvancedMC que oferece uma solução de processamento de sinal DSPFPGA compacta e de alto desempenho para sistemas AdvancedTCA e MicroTCA () Texas Instruments TMS320C6455 processador de sinal digital a 1,2 GHz e um Virtex-4 FX100 FPGA da Xilinx Optimizado para aplicações Requerendo uma largura de banda IO de sinal high-end em um formato compacto de AMC de altura média, como banda base sem fio, processamento de imagem, defesa e aeroespacial Fornece uma combinação de recursos DSP e FPGA com links rápidos e flexíveis para dados externos e mais de 256 MB De memória integrada Um cartão altamente integrado AdvancedMC baseado em TPCs TIPDT 2283648482s TCI6636 e TMS320C6678 mais um FPGA Xintex-7 Xilinx grande e RF 4x4. O AMC-D24A4-RF4 é um cartão de processamento baseado em ARM, DSP e FPGA de alto desempenho que inclui quatro canais de transceptor de RF de banda larga, integrados e flexíveis. O módulo é destinado a sistemas LTE, LTE Advanced e 5G que requerem tecnologias MIMO e permite que a funcionalidade de estação de base sem fios RF to Layer 3 completa seja implementada num único cartão AdvancedMC. O processador principal do module22683648482s é o TCI6636 KeyStone II DSPARM SoC. Ele inclui oito núcleos C66x DSP, bem como quatro ARM Cortex2268222162-A15 núcleos para processamento de camada superior. O módulo também tem dois TMS320C6678 octal C66x núcleo DSPs. Todos os processadores estão estreitamente ligados através da interface de hiperligação TI22683648482s e da infra-estrutura Ethernet do cartão com a conectividade de placa de fundo Serial RapidIO (SRIO) fornecendo conectividade entre cartões. Há também um grande Kintex-7 FPGA para co-processamento adicional e para gerenciar a interface RF CARACTERÍSTICAS: 1 Texas Instruments TCI6636 SoC DSP 2 Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 SoC DSPs Cada DSP tem 8 núcleos - 24 núcleos DSP no total 4 canais de RF, cada um Suportando FDD ou TDD 662MHz - 3,84GHz 20Gbps Gen2 RapidIO para AMC.4 backplane compatível 3x SFP para FPGA, até 10,3 Gbaud Gigabit Ethernet interface Receptor GPS integrado Duplo largura, cartão AMC de tamanho normal. () O AMC-2C6678L é um cartão DSP de alto desempenho. Ele é alimentado pelo mais recente Texas Instruments SoC TMS320C6678 DSPs. Os 16 C66x DSP núcleos são conectados em conjunto com hiperlink de alta velocidade, links PCIe e SRIO e é ideal para uma gama de aplicações de processamento DSP de alto desempenho, incluindo processamento de sensor de imagem, telecomunicações e controle stepper. Além disso, ele pode ser usado para aceleração baseada em DSP de aplicativos de voz e vídeo. Os núcleos operam a 1,25 GHz e têm a potência combinada para processar 320 GFLOPS e 640 GMACS. A placa é fornecida com bibliotecas de suporte de software e a 3L Diamond é totalmente suportada nesta plataforma para desenvolvimento de código multiprocessador avançado. CommAgility pode suportar suas necessidades se forem necessárias modificações para tornar este produto adequado às suas necessidades de OEM. CARACTERÍSTICAS: 2 DSPs de Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 Cada DSP tem 8 núcleos C66x operando a 1,25 GHz (16 núcleos DSP no total) Ligação PCI Express Gen 3 para backplane compatível com AMC.1 com comutador onboard 20gbps Gen2 RapidIO para AMC.4 compatível backplane. Infra-estrutura Gigabit Ethernet completa Largura única, cartão AMC de tamanho médio (opção de tamanho completo disponível). . () Módulos AdvancedMC baseados no mais recente processador de sinal digital (DSP) TMS320TCI6616 da Estação Base (SoC) e TMS320C6670 da Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) () Os dois módulos aproveitam o poder líder da indústria de TIs Novos dispositivos e adicionar IO de alta velocidade e flexível para fornecer soluções para estações de base sem fio e aplicações de alto desempenho Os módulos também incluem um Xilinx LX240T Virtex-6TM FPGA para IO adicional e flexibilidade de co-processamento O AMC-2C6616 incorpora TIs novo CI6616 SoC Estação de base, e é direcionado para aplicações de estação base sem fio LTE, incluindo desenvolvimento, ensaios e implantação final no campo O AMC-4C6678 é um cartão DSP de alto desempenho. Ele é alimentado pelo mais recente Texas Instruments SoC TMS320C6678 DSPs. Os 32 núcleos C66x DSP são conectados em conjunto com links Hyperlink, PCIe e SRIO de alta velocidade e é ideal para uma variedade de aplicações de processamento DSP de alto desempenho, incluindo processamento de sensores de imagem, telecomunicações e controle stepper. Os núcleos operam a 1,25 GHz e têm a potência combinada para processar 640 GFLOPS e 1280 GMACS. A placa é fornecida com bibliotecas de suporte de software e a 3L Diamond é totalmente suportada nesta plataforma para desenvolvimento de código multiprocessador avançado. CARACTERÍSTICAS: 4 Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 DSPs Cada DSP tem 8 núcleos C66x operando a 1,25 GHz (32 núcleos DSP no total) Ligação PCI Express Gen 3 para backplane compatível com AMC.1 com placa de rede 20gbps Gen2 RapidIO para AMC.4 compatível backplane. Full Gigabit Ethernet infrastructure Largura única, full-size cartão AMC. () AMC-K2L-RF2 O AMC-K2L-RF2 é um baixo custo, ARM de alto desempenho e cartão de processamento baseado em DSP baseado em TIs TCI6630K2L SoC que inclui dois canais de transceptor de RF wideband integrados, todos no compacto Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) fator de forma. Ele é projetado para suportar o processamento de banda base sem fio e uma interface de ar MIMO 2x2 em sistemas de teste de rádio, células pequenas e UEs para sistemas LTE e LTE-Advanced avançados até a versão 10. VPX-D16A4-PCIEThe VPX - O D16A4-PCIE é um robusto cartão DSP de alta performance e FPGA no formato compacto VITA 65, 3U OpenVPX, com uma interface Gen2 PCI Express (PCIe) de alta velocidade. () AMC-2C6678A AMC-2C6678 é um cartão AMC de processamento de sinal de alto desempenho com 16 núcleos DSP e recursos FPGA. Ele é alimentado pelos mais recentes Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 DSPs mais um Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. É ideal para uma gama de aplicativos de processamento DSPFPGA de alto desempenho, incluindo telecomunicações e processamento de imagem. Um comutador IDT CPS-1848 Gen2 SRIO fornece uma infra-estrutura Serial RapidIO de 20 Gbps por porta. Agora, com 1,2 GHz DSPs cada com 1GB SDRAM. (). CA-AMC-D4F1A Módulo AdvancedMC de uma única largura projetado para alta largura de banda, processamento de sinal de alto desempenho, fornecimento de processamento DSP e FPGA e 10 Gbps Serial RapidIO () Uma placa DSP para aplicações de telefonia multicanal intensivas em matemática como gateways de voz e fax na Internet () Oferece até 7200 MIPS de potência de processamento de sinal digital, o suficiente para processar (ou seja, voz e fax sobre IP) até seis linhas T1 ou E1 em tempo real Pode ser equipado com uma variedade de padrão WAN e mezzanines telefonia, incluindo T1, E1, SCSA e ATM Pode ser equipado com até 72 100 MHz TMS320VC549 DSPs, que são implementados como seis mezzanines mini-PCI Uma placa de alta densidade DSP telecomunicações CompactPCI () Rugged, alto desempenho OpenVPX DSP (processamento de sinal digital) do motor Baseado na tecnologia de processador quad-core da próxima geração da Intel () VPX3-453 3X VPX Virtex-68640D DSP O VPX3-453 é um motor DSP de alto desempenho e pequeno fator de forma que combina um FPGA Xilinx194174 Virtex174-6 e um Freescale174 Power Architectur E processador MPC8640D. Esta placa de pequeno formato 3U VPX (VITA 4648) é ideal para ambientes com restrições SWaP e foi projetada para suportar a faixa de temperatura de operação de -40 85 deg C. O VPX3-453 acelera e simplifica a integração de processamento avançado de DSP e imagem em sistemas embarcados projetados para aplicações exigentes de processamento de radar, inteligência de sinal, ISR, processamento de imagem e guerra eletrônica. () Sub-Sistemas de Aquisição de Dados Baseados em DSP Uma linha de placas e módulos DSP multiprocessador integrados em subsistemas de aquisição de dados completos () Projetado para aplicações industriais de processo e controle Entregar a partir de 6400 MIPS de ponto fixo DSP desempenho até 16 GFLOPS ponto flutuante desempenho em um único 6U VMEbus ou slot CompactPCI Baseado na arquitetura Ixthos CHAMP A PMC-440A da ProWare é uma placa robusta FPGA PMC para captura, processamento e saída de dados derivados de sensores de alta velocidade como sistemas de radar eletro-óptico (EOIR) e sistemas de radar Pode ser configurado com qualquer uma das duas versões do FPGA Xilinx Virtex-II Pro: o XC2VP20 (9,280 slices de lógica 18x18 multiplicadores) ou o XC2VP40 (19,392 slices de lógica192 18x18 multiplicadores) 64 - BIB, 66 MHz interface PCI com suporte para PCI-X CHAMP-AV5 6U VMECurtiss-Wright Controla primeiro motor DSP com o novo processador Intel Core i7 () Brin Gs o desempenho em ponto flutuante da arquitetura Intel Core i7 para o padrão de fator VME64x Utilizando um par de processadores Core i7 de núcleo duplo de 2,53 GHz, o CHAMP-AV5 oferece até 81 GFLOPS de desempenho Arquitetura PCIe de banda larga com conexões PCIe integradas Entre os processadores e os sites PMCXMC CHAMP-XD2M 6U OpenVPX Intel Xeon DSPThe 6U OpenVPX CHAMP-XD2M robusto Intel Xeon D módulo foi projetado para uso em alta capacidade de memória, computação intensiva industrial, aeroespacial e aplicações de defesa, permitindo que desenvolvedores de alto desempenho Sistemas de Computação Incorporada (HPEC) para aproveitar ao máximo o desempenho incomparável da arquitetura de processador Xeon de última geração da marca today22683648482s. () Quad PowerPC 7447A7448 processadores em até 1,25 GHz Até 512 MB DDR-250 SDRAM com ECC por processador () Quad PowerPC 7447A7448 processadores Quad PowerPC 7447A7448 processadores em até 1,25 GHz Até 512 MB DDR-250 SDRAM com ECC por processador 2 GB no total) e 64 Kbytes L1 e 1 Mbyte (7448) L2 caches internos operando na velocidade do processador central Arquitetura QuadFlow com 3,2 GBs de pico de débito a bordo Placa PCI universal de 64 bits compatível com PCI v2.2 () Um alto desempenho Placa DSP otimizada para aplicações de processamento de sinal digital de alta largura de banda e baixa latência () Uma placa DSP de alto desempenho otimizada para aplicações de processamento de sinal digital de alta largura de banda e baixa latência () Uma suite de design DSP TMS320C6200 que suporta TIs eXpressDSP software em tempo real () Bit-true fixa e ponto flutuante DSP sistema de design C código de geração Integra com o Code Composer Studio para a prototipagem rápida Uma nova versão do SystemView que reduz o tempo de design para DSP e wir eless communications systems by providing additional modeling, analysis, and debugging features () Design and simulation ensures that the RF front-end, the AD converter, and the DSP functions will all interact together correctly Includes enhancements to SystemViews analysis and debugging capabilities A designer can trace a signal through an entire system simply by moving a virtual probe to the output of each block of the block diagram during system simulation A system-level design tool for DSP and communications applications () Provides Simulink integration, enhanced filter design tools, and a significant new offering of models for communication applications Enhanced communications library includes TDMA multiplexerdemultiplexer, OFDM modulationdemodulation, Gold Code Generator, Puncture, Depuncture, and QAM detector, mapper, demapper models The RFAnalog and DSP libraries also contain new models A universal DSP development system that allows construction of scalable DSP systems () Syste m comes in a 19-inch, 3U ruggedized enclosure with a single Atlas board The Atlas I board has two 120 MFLOPS floating-point ADSP-21060 processors The Atlas II board has two 480 MFLOPS ADSP-21160 processors Virtuoso 4.1An integrated development environment for real-time embedded systems that includes a four-layer, microkernel-based RTOS that is optimized for DSP and ASIC cores () Requires 2 Kwords to 10 Kwords of memory, and supports DSPs and RISC cores from Analog Devices, ARM, Infineon, and Texas Instruments Tool suite includes a project manager, a kernel-optimizing system generation tool, and graphical analysis and debugging tools for DSPs Scheduling options include round robin with prioritization, time-slicing, and prioritized, preemptive scheduling A universal digital signal computer () CompactPCI form factor Hosted by a Pentium running Windows NT Target system consists of one or more DSP boards with 2 ADSP-21060 (SHARC) each A TMS320C620x fixed point-based universal digital signal computer () The MSC8156 Evaluation Module (MSC8156EVM) is a cost-effective tool intended for engineers evaluating the MSC815x and MSC825x family of Freescale Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) () The MSC815x and MSC825x family of DSPs are highly integrated DSP processors that contain one, two, four or six StarCore SC3850 cores The family supports raw programmable DSP performance values ranging from 8 GMACs to 48 GMACs, with each DSP core running at 1 GHz These devices target high-bandwidth, highly computational DSP applications such as 3GPP, TD-SCDMA, 3G-LTE and WiMAX base station applications as well as aerospace and defense, medical imaging, video, voice and test and measurement applications MSC8256The MSC8256 is based on the industrys highest performance DSP core, built on StarCore technology, and designed for the advanced processing requirements and capabilities of todays high-performance, high-end industrial applications for the medical imaging, aerospace, defense and advanced test and measurement markets () It delivers industry-leading performance and power savings, leveraging 45 nm process technology in a highly integrated SoC to provide performance equivalent to a 6 GHz, single-core device. The MSC8256 will help equipment manufacturers create end products and services that integrate more functionality in a smaller hardware footprint The MSC8256 DSP delivers a high level of performance and integration, combining six new and enhanced, fully programmable SC3850 cores, each running at up to 1 GHz. The SC3850 DSP core has been independently assessed to enable 40 percent more processing capability per MHz than the nearest DSP competition A high-performance internal RISC-based QUICC Engine subsystem supports multiple networking protocols to guarantee reliable data transport over packet networks while significantly offloading processing from the DSP cores MSC8156The MSC8156 is based on the industrys highest performance DSP core, built on StarCore technology, with added performance from a Multi-Accelerator Platform Engine (MAPLE-B) for Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms (iFFT), Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT), Inverse Discrete Fourier Transforms (iDFT) and Turbo and Viterbi decoding () The MSC8156 supports the advanced processing requirements and capabilities of todays high-performance medical, aerospace and defense and advanced test and measurement markets It delivers industry-leading performance and power savings, leveraging 45 nm process technology in a highly integrated SoC to provide performance equivalent to a 6 GHz, single-core device The MSC8156 will help equipment manufacturers create end products and services that integrate more functionality in a smaller hardware footprint A device that allows the host debug system to communicate with a Motorola DSP target system through the JTAGOnCE connector () Commands entered from the host are parsed, and a series of low level command packets are sent to the Command Converter, which, in turn, translates low level command packets into serial sequences that are transferred to the target DSP via the OnCE port The Command Converter Kit includes a Command Converter, a software development tools CD, and Command Converter product documentation Command Converters include Ethernet, PCI, Parallel, and Universal (ISASBUS). . Core SC140-based DSP with a 300 MHz DSP core Four ALUs provide 1200 DSP MIPS, 150 MHz programmable network protocol engine, 512 Kbytes of onchip SRAM, 100 MHz 64-bit or 32-bit PowerPC bus interface, and a programmable memory controller On-chip 300 MHz enhanced filter compressor and centralized DMA engine High-level application-enabling software option for fast time to market () Framework level software option adds flexibility to add algorithms and connections Board and library level software option for ultimate control Latest generation DSPs for low cost and power consumption per channel DSP56F801A DSP core based on a Harvard-style architecture consisting of three execution units operating in parallel, allowing as many as six operations per instruction cycle () Microprocessor-style programming model and optimized instruction set allow generation of efficient, compact code for both DSP-style and MCU-style applications Instruction set is highly efficient for C Compilers to enable rapid d evelopment of optimized control applications Integrated program Flash and data Flash memories A 24-bit multichannel audio decoder DSP optimized for cost-sensative consumer audio applications () Supports all of the popular multichannel audio decoding formats, including Dolby Digital Surround, Moving Picture Experts Group Standard 2 (MPEG2), and Digital Theater Systems (DTS), in a single device with sufficient MIPS resources for customer defined post-processing features such as bass management, 3D virtual surround, Lucasfilm THX5.1, soundfield processing, and advanced equalization Uses the single-instruction-per-clock-cycle DSP56300 core, while retaining code compatibility with the DSP56000 core family Contains audio-specific peripherals and an onboard software surround decoder, and is offered in 100 MHzMIPS and 120 MHzMIPS versions at 3.3V . A DSP core based on a Harvard-style architecture consisting of three execution units operating in parallel, allowing as many as six operations per instruction cycle () Microprocessor-style programming model and optimized instruction set allow generation of efficient, compact code for both DSP-style and MCU-style applications Instruction set is highly efficient for C Compilers to enable rapid development of optimized control applications Integrated program Flash and data Flash memories A StarCore-based DSP with four 300 MHz Star () Core SC140 DSP extended cores 16 ALUs onchip deliver 4,800 MMACS, 12 G RISC MIPS (Performance equivalent to a 1.2 GHz SC140 core) Four 300 MHz EFCOPs P2020-MSC8156 AdvancedMCThe Freescale P2020-MSC8156 AdvancedMC (AMC) reference design is a multi-standard baseband development platform for the next generation of wireless standards such as LTE, WiMAX, WCDMA and TD-SCDMA. () A single-chip RISC microprocessor () 32-bit RISC-type SuperH RISC engine architecture CPU with digital signal processing (DSP) extension Cache memory, on-chip XY memory, and memory management unit (MMU), as well as peripheral functions required for system configuration Includes data protection, virtual memory, and other functions provided by incorporating an MMU into a SuperH Series microprocessor (SH-1 or SH-2) USB-connected Software-Defined Digital Radio system () Ready-to-Go SystemA ready-for-use low-cost system including USB-connected programmable FPGA and DSP hardware () Includes USB-connected FPGADSP hardware of the users choice, USB cable, IO cables to interface to peripherals, main power supply unit, and CD containing software tools, examples, and documentation Connects to PCs using high-speed USB Allows users to download FPGA designs, then exchange data between the FPGA and PC at speeds up to 40 Mbps HERON DSP SystemsHERON high-performance modular signal processing systems for PCI-based, USB connected, and Embedded use are programmable and reconfigurable, using common APIs to provide compatibility and complete flexibility () Choose one or combine any number of our off-the-shelf modules Modules with Xilinx Virtex FPGA (with external memory options plus digital and analog IO choices) and TI 8216C6000 DSP Mount selected modules on a HERON module carrier which provides real-time data connections with 400 Mbps possible in each direction simultaneously HERON-IO2A FPGA module with Virtex II 1M gates plus two channels of 12-bit 125 MHz AD and two channels of 14-bit 125 MHz DA () Analog serial bandwidth of 500 MHz in and 145 MHz out When fitted to a HERON module carrier, can have its FPGA 8220program8221 downloaded from the PC over the HERON serial bus, allowing users to program and reprogram the FPGA IP available for commonly used functions HERON-FPGA12HERON module with Virtex-4FX12 FPGA plus DDR SDRAM, flash memory, and 60 bits digital IO () HERON-FPGA3A FPGA m odule with digital IO () PlugPlay PCI 2.1 33MHz32-bit slave, MasterSlave (optional) support Up to 400k gates in Spartan-3 family FPGAs Spartan-3 FPGAs system clock rate up to 320 MHz A configurable and scalable RTOS architecture for convergent processing () Uses two real-time kernels: RTXCss, and single-stack, thread-based kernel, and RTXCms, a multi-stack task-based kernel Meets the requirements of real-time, control-processing, or Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications Supported processors: ARM 77T, 99T, Motorola DSP56F800, Motorola DSP65300600, Motorola ColdFire family, Motorola PowerPC, Motorola StarCore MSC8101, and Texas Instruments TMS320C54x, TMS320C55x . A real-time multi-tasking kernel (RTXC) for Motorolas DSP 56303307309EVM digital signal processors () Motorolas Suite56 Software Development Tools include a processor simulator, C compiler, assembler and linker, and a hardware debugger This suite of tools and RTXC form a new embedded development environment Features include: (1) small code footprint of about 1,500 to 4,500 words (2) full source code and no run-time royalties (3) support of nested interrupts (4) extensive interrupt handling models and examples (5) macros to simplify the creation of interrupt service routines (6) support for mixed assembly language and C programming and (7) a GUI-driven system generation utility that allows specification and generation of RTXC system objects without having to know the internals of the kernel objects A software development kit based on Texas Instruments TMS320DSC2 DSP () Provides developers access to the complete DSPLinux simulation and hardware environment through DevelopOnline DSPLinux is optimized for multimedia applications in which DSPs offer high processing power with low battery consumption Focused on dual-core ARMDSP architectures, with the Linux kernel residing on the ARM processor to control the operation of the DSP From Microchips PIC24 16-bit MCUs through the dsPIC 30 to the dsPIC 33, DSPnano has seamless support including CC integrated development environment (IDE), a DSP RTOS, and DSP libraries () CC IDE based on Eclipse with a highly productive user interface DSPnano operating system level simulator Seamless integration with Microchips MPLAB IDE for instruction-level simulation, compiling, and debugging using ICD2 or REAL ICE A signal processing operating system intended for small signal processors and small DSP networks () Enables adding real-time signal processing capabilities () PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) is a widely used industry standard for small-sized mezzanine modules A high-performance DSP processor and graphical application development in LabVIEW Suitable for real-time processing applications SI-C6713DSP-PC104pAn embedded PC104-Plus DSP board () Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 DSP at 300 MHz Up to 256 MB of SDRAM using conventional 144-pin SODIMMs 2.25 W typical power consumption PCI, CompactPCI, PMC, PC104-Plus form factors () SI-C6713DSP-PCIDSP board for data acqusition, measurement, and digital control applications () SI-C33DSP-cPCIReal time software accelerator board for LabVIEW based on Texas Instruments TMS320VC33 family of floating point DSPs () SI-C6713DSP-(PCI)Real time software accelerator board for LabVIEW and Visual Basic based on TIs TMS320C6x family of floating point DSPs () DSP board for PC104-Plus () 1,800 MFLOP peak performance with C6713, 1,200 MFLOPs with C6711, 32 bit floatingfixed point precision Up to 256 MB SDRAM, using conventional PC133 SDRAM SODIMM format Full 32 bit bi-directional PCI initiated bus mastering, with 132 MBps peak transfer rate A board providing high-density DSP resources and a high level of general purpose, programmable MIPS per square mm () Compliant with 64xx IP video, transcoding, wireless, and voice algorithms Includes WinXP and Linux drivers and C code API, full DSP software, DSP with real-time examples Up to eight C6414, C6415, or C6416 DSPs A DSP board that combines a 32-bit floating-point TMS320C44 DSP with up to 512K x 32 SRAM and high-speed, multiple IO paths for connectivity to analog IO or other peripheral PC104 boards or other C4x processors () Four comm - port connectors, 32-bit 8220GlobalBus8221, and EPROM or Flash EEPROM site Supported by DSPower and Hypersignal software . SigC5502Dual DSP 24-bit audio board () Dual 300 MHz C5502 processor sites Stereo 24-bit 96 kHz audio IO, 100 dB SNR typical Single-ended and differential-ended audio connector options SigC67xx-SODIMMA quad processor DSP module () Up to four Texas Instruments C67xx processors Up to 5.4 GFLOPS 32-bit floating-point performance 4M x 32 off chip SDRAM and 64k x 32 zero-wait-state onchip SRAM per processor 300 to 480 MIPS Multiprocessor DSP Modules () 384768k x 16 SRAM Three 100 to 160 MHz C549, C5402, C5409, or C5416 cores, in three 144-pin GGU packages, each with separate 2.5v (or 1.8v) core and 3.3v peripheral voltages 128k x 16 or 256k x 16 zero-wait-state external SRAM per core A PTMC card that condenses the Texas InstrumentsTelogy Phase III High-Density VoIP reference design 8211 including DSP farm and network processor 8211 into PMC form factor () IP telephony applications include echo can farm, transcoding server, media gateway, complete soft switch solution using onboard host proce ssor, Asterisk PBX, and more Telogy software compliant OC-3 channel capacity A modular DSP resource board () Provides up to 1920 MIPS in a single PC104 form factor Accepts off-the-shelf processor modules with Texas Instruments C54xx DSPs and 16-bit audio and speech IO modules, and custom modules, for example H.110 or MVIP subset High-speed host interface Signal Ranger Mk3 is a DSP board featuring a TMS320C6424 DSP running at 590 MHz and a XC3S400 FPGA (Signal Ranger Mk3 Pro. version only) () This DSP board provides 6 analog IOs (96 kHz24-bit) It has been designed for pro-audio and high-performance control applications Communication interfaces include a high-bandwidth USB 2 interface as well as an Ethernet communication interface that allows the remote control of the DSP board over the web (an IP Stack DSP firmware is included) Signal Ranger MK2DSP: TMS320C5502 16-bit fixed point DSP, running at 300 MHz, with 32 Kwords of on-chip RAM () TIGER DSP is a digital signal processing board featuring a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA, data memory, and various host connections. () A 6U VMEbus board with a VME64 masterslave interface () Two processors available: single, dual, or quad 1600 MIPS, 200 MHz TMS320C6201B DSPs or single, dual, or quad 1 GFLOPS, 167 MHz MS320C6701 DSPs Up to 2 Mbytes of SBSRAM and 64 Mbytes of SDRAM Hurricane, a single chip PCI bridge optimized for DSP systems CompactPCI DSP system supports TMS320C6701 architecture () Dual or quad processor with distributed shared memory architecture provided by the Hurricane PCI-to-DSP bridge chip SBSRAM distributed shared memory Additional IO capabilities include IP Modules, PMC modules, DSP-Link 3, custom IO, and Spectrum-developed PEM modules which provide 400 Mbytessec of IO bandwidth per DSP Single-channel digital radio receiver module with software demodulation libraries () This surveillance solution combines an AD converter, digital down converter, TMS320C44 DSP processor, and a DA converter on a single-wide TIM-40 module Designed to work with Spectrums LeMans VXI product . InglistonA quad PCI DSP system based on the 250 MHz, fixed-point C6202 processor () A high-performance, programmable digital interface that connects Spectrums 8216C6000-based DSP boards to custom and standard IO systems () Provides up to 100 Mbitssec of IO bandwidth to each 8216C6000 DSP Total data throughput of 200 Mbitssec Programmed to interface to virtually any type of digital IO devices, including digital cameras, motor controllers, and as standard and custom parallel interfaces Single-channel digital radio receiver module with software demodulation libraries () This surveillance solution combines an AD converter, digital down converter, TMS320C44 DSP processor, and a DA converter on a single-wide TIM-40 module Designed to work with Spectrums LeMans VXI product . Multiplatform digital radio receiver consists of MDC44DDC 50 MHz TIM module (1 MByte or 4 MBytes), MD70MAI 70-Msamplesec AD converter TIM module, 50 KHz analog daughter module and DDR cable kit () Scaleable solution maintains interoperability with VXI, ISA, PCI and VME platforms Incoming signals from an antenna system digitized by TIM-40 based AD converter and forward via 1.4 Gbits G-Link network to one or more TIM-40 based receiverDSP blocks for demodulation and analysis Easily daisy-chained . An octal VMEbus processing engine () Eight 250300 MHz 8216C6203 fixed-point processors Peak performance of 16,00019,200 MIPS Solano-based architectures provides 200 Mbytessec full-duplex links between processors PRO-4600A 3U CompactPCI processing engine that uses a combination of FPGA, DSP, and GPP to support black-side signal processing for software defined radio (SDR) applications () 3U CompactPCI form factor Available in conduction-cooled and air-cooled versions Rugged conduction-cooled carrier versions follow the IEEE 1101.2 specification and operate with ANSI VITA 20 compliant XMC modules Barcelona-HSA 6U, hot-swap CompactPCI board combining DSP multiprocessor hardware and software tools for designing high availability systems () A DSP-based digital radio PMC mezzanine for use with Spectrums TMS320C6x-based carrier products () The PMC-MAI is a 65 M samplessec analog input PMC, the PEM-2PDC is a dual-programmable down converter module, and the PEM-4PDC is a quad-programmable down c onverter module Both PEM modules are based on Spectrums Processor Expansion Module (PEM) open specification For commercial and military signals intelligence or surveillance applications ePMC-8310A Texas Instruments TMS320C6416C6415 DSP-based multiprocessing engine for communications applications () Choice of one or two 600 MHz TMS320C6416 or TMS320C6415 fixed-point DSP processors with a peak performance of 4800 MIPS per processor Integrated Viterbi and Turbo co-processors Eight dedicated high-speed data paths to the DSPs, connected through a programmable router for dataflow reconfigurability AcceleraA graphically-driven, modular, system-level software tool, designed to speed the development of multiprocessor DSP applications for Spectrums multi-DSP TMS320C620203 products () A PCIe-based carrier card with dual XMC sites () Can be used within a PC-based system to interface to Spectrum FPGA, DSP, and IO processing engines Flexible data routing architecture, allowing numerous combinations of FPGA, DSP and GPP signal processing devices Supports applications requiring high-speed, low latency, deterministic data paths The LeMans 840 MFLOP octal TMS320C4x VXIbus master board can host up to six single-wide or four double-wide C4044 DSP modules and TIM-40 form factor SRAM, DRAM, EDRAM, or IO modules () Supports VXI shared memory, VXI masterslave modes, and 80 Mbytessec data transfers via the HP local bus Features JTAG input and output connectors, a test bus controller, and device driver support via VISA or SICL . An expansion module that connects high-speed digital signal processors (DSPs) to the Internet () Allows a sophisticated collection of DSPs to connect to EthernetInternet directly and without involvement of a host computer Uses Texas Instruments 225-MHz TMS320C6713 DSP, based on TIs high-performance, advanced VelociTI VLIW architecture NetSilicon Net-50 ARM CPU ICE105: Embedded IO Programmable SystemSUNDANCE is a worldwide supplier and manufacturer of industrial-class PCIe104 digital signal processing (DSP), configurable small form factors and COTS embedded systems. The ICE105 is a rugged system built around a complete range of PCIe104 small form factor, stackable IO-configurable and programmable solutions. () A library of floating-point DSP vectors and functions () Broad range of callable functions significantly reduces the development time of many DSP applications targeting Texas Instruments (TI) TMS320 DSP-based platforms Hand-coded and optimized functions Includes a data conversion unit that facilitates the conversion of fixed-point and integer formats into floating-point units, as well as the conversion of floating-point units into integer formats A platform for telecom, image processing, medical, and industrial systems () A CompactPCI, multi-DSP system () Four C6416, 600-MHz DSPs, with 32 MB of private SDRAM memory for each DSP Up to 800 MBps IO bandwidth per DSP Optional shared memory interface for each DSP A DSP TIM-40 mezzanine that incorporates four 60 MHz TMS320C44 DSPs, and can be used to provide up to 16 DSPs on a VMEbus carrier board () Configured with either 512 Kbytes or 2 Mbytes of SRAM per processor Memory is divided between the processors local and global buses, ensurin g optimal performance from the C44s modified Harvard architecture . SMT7005Four C6201 200MHz DSPs 16MB SDRAM 512KB SBSRAM of private memory for each DSP Up to 800Mbytess IO bandwidth per DSP Optional shared memory interface for each DSP () SMT7006Four C6701 167MHz DSPs () 16MB SDRAM 512KB SBSRAM of private memory for each DSP Over 800Mbytess IO bandwidth per DSP using Sundance Digital Bus and Datapipe Links Optional shared memory interface for each DSP Direct connection to C6000 DSP systems () High accuracy signal source through stringent design criteria communications, base stations and Zero-IF subsystems Wireless local loop (WLL) Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) A TIM mezzanine that hosts one or two TMS320C6x DSPs () Up to 32 Mbytes of onboard memory Enables a truly distributed DSP processing system The modules can be fitted to a VXI carrier board, giving performance from 1 to 8 GFLOPS when using the TMS320C6701 DSP SMT387Integrated DSP, memory, flash, and storage solution () Includes the latest generation Serial ATA controller, a 600 M Hz DSP, and Virtex-II Pro Works in an array of modules as a slave or host Can run standalone and use the on-module flash for booting and control of the disk array SMT417Conduction cooled PMCXMC card with 2 TI DSP at 1 GHz each and a Xilinx XC2VP50 FPGA and much memory () Combining a Texas Instruments TMS320DM642 DSP-based digital media processor at 720 MHz and a Xilinx Virtex-4 FX-60 FPGA, the SMT339 packs huge compute power into a small development board () Software support includes TIs Code Composer Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and 3Ls Diamond FPGA Interfaces include serial ports or the Rocket Serial Link Used with a TIM carrier such as the SMT130 for PCI-104 or standalone, designers can be up and running quickly . SMT130Onboard XDS-510 compatible JTAG Master () Global bus bandwidth in excess of 100 MBps Host interface via ComPort in excess of 10 Mbps Can support multi-DSP and FPGA resources A media processing solution offering simultaneous support for Triple Play convergence voice, video, and data (faxmodem), all running on a single DSP () Suitable for equipment manufacturers who develop media gateways, CTI products, and other Media over Packet (MoP) applications Includes the SurfUP Open DSP Framework that enables integration of user-defined algorithms into the DSP, based on simple and intuitive APIs that interface with Surfs DSP software Quick integration for reduced time-to-market SurfUPDSP software components comprised of a media processing solution offering simultaneous support for Triple Play convergence (voice, video, and data (faxmodem)) all running simultaneously on a single DSP () Equipment manufacturers who develop media gateways, CTI products, and other Media-over-Packet (MoP) applica tions can integrate a specific media type into their DSP software framework and gain from Surfs robust and field-hardened enabling technologies Powered by an easy-to-use and layered API, the SurfUP DSP software components are ANSI-C compliant (with minimal assembler code for optimization) for cross platformcompiler support Field-hardened DSP software components optimized to run specifically on TIs C64xx DSP generation Fully-integrated RoHS-compliant PMCPTMC DSP resource board providing multimedia processing capabilities: voice, video, and data simultaneously () PMCPTMC form-factor DSP farm, pre-integrated with leading CompactPCI and AdvancedTCA chassis Carrierenterprise-grade, field-proven, and cost effective solution saving resources and reducing RD efforts Complete media processing package for audio, video and data (fax and modem) SurfRiderAMC-EVMComprehensive application development environment () Enables telecom applications developers to handle different DSPs Stand-alone desktop u nit simulating AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA chassis for resource-efficient telecom development environment Full DSP control and monitoring over GbE connection for reduced application development and testing time SurfRiderAMCA RoHS-compliant AdvancedMC DSP resource board, preintegrated with AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA chassis () Provides flexible yet heavy-duty multimedia processing capabilities Complete media processing package for audio, video, modem, and fax Flexible and scalable modular design supporting up to 8 TI C64x DSPs onboard SurfExpressPCIeFully integrated RoHS compliant PCIe DSP resource board providing multimedia processing capability: voice, video. and data () Graph-based Physical Synthesis fast timing closure and a push-button performance boost of up to 20 percent () RTL-based Verification Technology offers the fastest method of finding functional errors in a design thanks to simulator-like visibility into a live, running FPGA with real-world stimulus Automatic Handling of DSP functions infers DSP functions from RTL and maps into vendors DSP hardware (such as MAC) ASIC design-style support built-in gated clock conversion and a DesignWare compatible library enables ASIC code to be implemented into an FPGA without modification SPW Hardware Design System (HDS)Fastest path from innovation into implementation for digital signal processing systems, applying a model-based design approach () At its core is the C Data Flow (CDF) modeling paradigm, which enables the most efficient description of digital signal processing systems which may be implemented in dedicated digital hardware or embedded software SPW Hardware Design System (HDS) is a key component in the SPW product family It accelerates the hardware design, verification, and analysis of complex, algorithm intensive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems Unique Synplify DSP synthesis engine 8211 Automatically creates optimized algorithm RTL architectures from your DSP model () Powerful DSP synthesis optimizations 8211 Exploration of speedareadevice technology trade-offs without changing your DSP model Comprehensive DSP library 8211 With full multi-rate support and advanced fixed-point quantization analysis M-Control feature 8211 Enables use of M-language for concise expression of complex state machine and control logic functionality An application processor for 2.5 and 3G wireless devices () Dual core architecture optimized for efficient operating system and multimedia code execution TMS320C55x DSP provides superior multimedia performance while delivering the lowest system-level power consumption TI-enhanced ARM 925 core with an added LCD frame buffer to run co mmand and control functions and user interface applications StarterWareFree software enables quick and simple programming of TI embedded processors () user-friendly, production-ready software for Sitara2268222162 32-bit ARM194174 microprocessor (MPU), C60002268222162 digital signal processor (DSP) and DSP ARM developers provides application developers with a flexible starting point that does not require the use of an operating system allows for easy migration to other TI embedded devices A client-side telephony DSP system () Provides 14 eXpressDSP-compliant algorithms on one chip, including data, telephony, and voice algorithms For PSTN-connected products Provides an open DSPBIOS real-time kernel software framework with a complete telephony algorithm library, on-chip memory and peripherals A fixed-point, 16-bit DSP dual-core solution () Code Composer (version 3.0) includes a DSP software simulator for Texas Instruments DSPs, including the C6x () Mimics the actual execution of DSP code without the presence of a DSP chip Code Composer is an IDE that allows designers to edit, build, manage projects, debug and profile from a single application Users can: (1) compile in the background (2) analyze signals graphically (3) perform file IO (4) debug multiple processors and (5) customize the IDE via GEL A DSP family targeted toward appliances, industrial products, consumer products, automotive products, and office products () Up to 40 MIPS of processing power from the processing core Onchip Flash or ROM Dedicated peripherals, such as pulse-width modulation, ultra-fast AD converters, and CAN modules Real-time software technology that simplifies and streamlines the DSP product development process, reducing product development time () Comprised of the TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard, a single, standard set of coding conventions and application programming interfaces (APIs) for algorithm creators to wrap the algorithm for system-ready use Includes the Code Composer Studio integrat ed development environment (IDE) Includes DSPBIOS, a scalable, real-time kernel and a growing base of TI DSP-based software modules from third parties that can be easily integrated into systems by OEMs Texas Instruments Incorporated is offering developers the industry22683648482s highest performing, scalable and flexible multicore solutions based on its TMS320C66x digital signal processor (DSP) generation. () Fixed - and floating-point capabilities Highly suited for audio infrastructure products as well as vibration and acoustic analyzers Excellent fit for high precision motion control and high channel count real-time process control system An integrated Internet audio chip () Dual Multiply and Accumulate Chip (MAC) on a DSP Embedded Universal Serial Bus (USB) capabilities Supports Secure Digital (SD), Memory Stick, Compact Flash, Smart Media, and Multimedia Card (MMC) TMS320C6472 Multicore DSPSix high speed C64X DSP cores running at 500MHz, 625MHz, 700MHz, and fully backward compatible with other C64X DSP cores () Highest performance DSP from TI with up to 4.2 GHz33600 MMACs and 4.8 MB on-chip L1L2 RAM Offers best power efficiency in the industry with 3GHz performance at 0.15mWMIPS Optimized DSP architecture maximizes subsystem performance on a chip. One of the advantages of this architecture is that in addition to dedicated L1 and L2 memory to each core, the C6472 features 768KB shared L2 programdata memory and a shared memory controller to facilitate high efficient and flexible inter DSP core communications An integrated development environment () Supports C55x and C64x DSPs Includes Visual Code Generation productivity tools, the C6000 Profile Based Compiler, and C5000 Visual Linker Project manager handles thousands of files and supports external make file capabilities to enable working across both PC and Unix Floating-point Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) () Advanced Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) C67x DSP core L1L2 memory architecture Enhanced Direct Memory Access (EDMA) controller with 16 independent channels A digital still camera chip () TMS320C5000 DSP and ARM7TDMI RISC processor 80 MHz, 32-bit-wide SDRAM interface Programmable CCD controller supports CCDs up to 4M pixels (2K x 2K) Automatically converts ANSI-standard C programs produced by The MathWorks Simulink, DSP Blockset, and Real-Time Workshop algorithm prototyping tools into executable DSP programs () Intuitive block diagram editor models complex systems by selecting the connecting functional elements from the Simulink and DSP Blockset libraries Real-Time Workshop converts Simulink and DSP Blockset block diagram representations into C programs, which are converted into a SPOX program and compiled for the target DSP . A fully programmable DSP-based chip designed specifically for the consumer digital multimedia market () Specifically designed for multimedia applications such as digital video camcorders, PDAs, and other portable imaging and video products Can be used as a stand alone media processor or can seamlessly interface to an external CPU as a slave processor Supports multiple applications and file formats including MPEG4, JPEG, MPEG1, M-JPEG, H.263, mp3, AAC and QuickTime Multi-channel analog interfaces with a user-programmable Spartan-IIE or Virtex-II FPGA, providing developers with the means to implement FPGA-based digital signal processing solutions () Can be used as stand-alone devices with the user-programmable FPGA responsible for supporting all signal processing functionality, or as daughtercards to micro-line DSPFPGA boards A variety of multi-channel ADA configurations are supported: 2-channel 14-bit ADA with ADC sample rates up to 65 MSps 4-channel 16-bit ADA with ADC sample rates up to 2.5 MSps 12-channel ADA with ADC sample rates up to 250 KSps If the capabilities of a Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 DSP processor are required, an ORS-11x board can be fitted as a daughtercard to a TMS320C6000-based micro-line embedded DSPFPGA board ultra-compactThe ultra-compact UC1394a-1 and UC1394a-3 multi-chip modules provide Texas Instruments TMS320C5000 DSP, Spartan-II or Spartan-3 FPGA, and ready-to-use IEEE1394a FireWire communication capabilities in tiny 30 mm x 36 mm surface-mount PLCC packages () They are suitable as user-programmable DSPFPGA resources or as FireWire connectivity devices The UC1394a-1 incorporates a TMS320C5509 integer DSP, a 50 kGate Spartan-II FPGA, 8 MB of SDRAM In addition to the IO capabilities of the UC1394a-3, the UC1394a-1 provides external access to USB and four AD inputs provided by the TMS320C5509 DSP processor C32CPUA DSP resource board with a TMS320C32 DSP processor and SRAM, FLASH ROM, and the micro-line bus interface () Used as a modular co mponent in the micro-line DSP product family, which allows DSP processor, data acquisition, and IEEE 1394 (FireWire) communications modules to be combined and used together for industrial embedded DSP applications 405060 MHz TMS320C32 32-bit Floating Point DSP Processor Up to 2 Mbytes of zero-wait-state RAM or Double Low Power RAM A family of low-cost embedded DSP board configurations () TMS320C6000 DSP processor 400 Mbitsec IEEE 1394 (FireWire) communications Open architecture design with off-the-shelf and OEM data acquisition and IO options The micro-line series of embedded DSPFPGA boards provides embedded systems developers with a tightly integrated suite of programmable DSP, FPGA, and IO resources in small, stand-alone capable board formats () C6713Compact Features: 300 MHz TMS320C6713 floating-point DSP Spartan 6 (LX45, LX75, LX100 or LX150) or Virtex-II (250-kGate 500kGate, or 1MGate) FPGA up to 160 configurable digital IO pins Up to 128 MB SDRAM 8 MB fl ash ROM for DSP and FPGA boot code, as well as non-voltatile parameterdata storage Onboard 400 Mbps IEEE1394a FireWire interface RS-232 interface External access to TMS320C6713 DSP IO interfaces: 32-bit EMIF, XF01 pins, Timer inputoutput pins, McASP and McBSP ports, I2C, and HPI 120 mm x 67 mm footprintISO9001:2000 accredited production and CE certification C6713CPU Features: 300 MHz TMS320C6713 floating-point DSP 400K gate or 1M gate Spartan-3 FPGA up to 96 configurable digital IO pins 64 MB SDRAM 2 MB fl ash ROM for DSP and FPGA boot code, as well as non-voltatile parameterdata storage RS-232 interface External access to TMS320C6713 DSP IO interfaces: 32-bit EMIF, XF01 pins, Timer inputoutput pins, McASP and McBSP ports, I2C, and HPI 98 mm x 67 mm footprint ISO9001:2000 accredited production and CE certification . The micro-line series of embedded DSPFPGA boards provides embedded systems developers with a tightly integrated suite of programmable DSP, FPGA, and IO resources in small, stand-alone capable board formats. () C6412Compact Features: 720 MHz TMS320C6412 integer DSP 1M gate or 4M gate Spartan-3 FPGA up to 211 configurable IO pins Up to 128 MB SDRAM Up to 32 MB fl ash ROM for DSP and FPGA boot code, as well as non-voltatile parameterdata storage Two independent IEEE1394a FireWire interfaces for streaming data inout simultaneously 10100BASE-Tx Ethernet interface USB 2.0 and RS-232 interfaces External access to DSP Processor IO interfaces: 64-bit EMIF, XF01 pins, Timer inputoutput pins, McBSP ports, I2C, and 16-32-bit HPI 120 mm x 72 mm footprint ISO9001:2000 accredited production and CE certification C641xCPU Features: 400 MHz TMS320C6410, 500MHz TMS320C6413 or 500 MHz TMS320C6418 integer DSP 500K gate, 1.2M gate, or 1.6M gate density Xilinx Spartan8482-3E FPGA: up to 98 configurable digital IO pins Up to 64 MB SDRAM 8 MB fl ash ROM for DSP and FPGA boot code, as well as non-voltatile parameterdata storage RS-232 interface External access to DSP Procesor IO interfaces: 32-bit EMIF, XF01 pins, Timer inputoutput pins, McASP and McBSP ports, I2C, and HPI 98 mm x 67 mm footprint ISO9001:2000 accredited production and CE certification . XpressDSP-compliant TCPIP protocol stack with integrated DMA support () Easy-to-use software package that enables Ethernet and Internet communications on a wide variety of TI DSP hardware platforms: Commercial off-the-shelf hardware (micro-line embedded DSP boards) Texas Instruments development starter kits custom-designed hardware incorporating TI DSPs High communication efficiency and throughput Graphical development tools compliant with applicable Internet standards micro-line C671xProvides embedded systems developers with a tightly integrated suite of programmable DSP, FPGA, and IO resources in small, stand-alone capable board formats () Target high-performance floating-point DSP applications, using the powerful Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 DSP Incorporates up to 64 MB SDRAM, 8 MB boot program flash ROM, and an onboard, high-density 250 kGate, 500 kGate, or 1 MGate Virtex-II FPGA (optionally programmable) The FPGA greatly expands processing as well as hardware interfacing possibil ities A DSP board with onboard FPGA () Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 floating-point DSP processor at 225 MHz (up to 1800 MIPS or 1350 MFLOPS) Virtex-II FPGA (250k, 500k, or 1M gates) Dual 400 Mbitssec IEEE 1394 FireWire ports C6x11CPUA DSP resource board that combines either a fixed point TMS320C6211 or a floating point TMS320C6711 DSP Processor with SBSRAM, SDRAM, FLASH ROM, and the micro-line bus interface () Operating with the 32-bit fixed-point or floating-point TMS320C6211-150167 MHz or TMS320C6711-100150 MHz Micro-line bus, pin-compatible with the entire micro-line family Maximum performance of 1336 MIPS (C6211) or 900 MFLOPS (C6711) High-quality, single-board solution for applications requiring an embedded DSP and optionally programmable FPGA () Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 DSP 64 MB of SDRAM (128 MB SDRAM available on request), 2 MB flash ROM Optionally programmable Spartan-3 FPGA (up to 1 M gate density) Embedded DSP board () Texas Instruments TMS320C6211 or TMS320C6711 DSP U p to 2 MB of SDRAM or up to 64 MB of SDRAM Up to 512 KB flash EPROM, McBSP, and RS-232 micro-line C6x11CPUTexas Instruments TMS320C6211 or TMS320C6711 DSP () Up to 2 MB of SBRAM or up to 64 MB of SDRAM Up to 512 KB Flash EPROM, McBSP, and RS-232 Optional FireWire, Ethernet, analog and digital IO Micro-line C6713CompactStandalone and embedded-capable DSPFPGA board () Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 floating point DSP Processor 250k, 500, or 1M-gate complexity Virtex-II FPGA 400 MBps IEEE 1394 FireWire interface Standalone and embeddable DSPFPGA board () Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 floating point DSP 250 k, 500 k, or 1 M-gate complexity Virtex-II FPGA 400 Mbps IEEE 1394a FireWire interface A PCI-based FFT processor mezzanine that provides a complete development and processing platform for FFT-based DSP algorithms using DSP Architectures DSP-24 10,000 MIPS Vector DSP () An FFT processing module that provides high performance real-time FFT-based DSP algorithms () VectorWare is a software d evelopment tool for Vector-DSP-based boards () Provides all the tools to develop, simulatedebug, and deploy vector-DSP application code VectorBuilder is an optimizing compiler that generates vector microcode for the VT-5000 family of vector-DSP-based products Accepts a high-level vector instruction language known as VectorCode The VT-1420 product family consists of four products, VT-1420, VT-1423, VT-1425 and VT-1426 () The VT-1420 and VT-1426 are dual processor PMC modules and the VT-1423 and VT-1425 are single processor PMC modules All modules are targeted for DSP applications and are available with TMS320C6415 processors or TMS320C6416 processors These modules are compatible with any carrier board with a PMC compliant module site A 20,000 MIPS vector processing board that performs a 1K pt complex FFT in 21 181sec () The board is based on the 24-bit DSP-24 chip from DSP Architectures Designed for high-end market where FFT performance and data IO are important . A set of DSP PMC modules () VT-1420 dual and VT-1423 single TMS320C641516 DSP One or two TMS320C6415 or TMS320C6416 processors each with: clock speeds of up to 720 MHz 0, 16, 32, or 64 Mbytes of SDRAM 0, 1, or 2 Mbytes of FLASH Utopia level II interface on P14 An embedded VoIP gateway bridging legacy VME communications equipment to voicedata packet networks () 6U, single-slot, single-blade VMEbus configuration Offers modular feature expansion, scaling from a base T1E1J1 network interface board to a complete VoIP Media Gateway by adding DSP processor and protocol modules A DSP developers kit () Supports driver development for operating systems that are not directly supported by Voiceboard Includes source code for McBSP and API drivers, DSP software load utilities, API for remote IP or CompactPCI and VME based messaging and payload data transfer, example and test code, user manual, How to Write a MediaPro Device Driver manual, and up to 20 hours of telephone access to Device Driver techn ical support group . PTMC41PTMC41, a 240-port PTMC 2.15 DSP resource board, supported by Voiceboards broad range of off-the-shelf communications and VoIP media gateway software () DSP software libraries available for the PTMC41 include VoIP, conferencing (64 to 1,024 party), telephony functions, FAX, modems, vocoders, and RecordPlay resources For those customers desiring to integrate their own code onto the PTMC41 DSPs, Voiceboard offers a DSP Software Development Kit (SDK) including commonly needed telephony functions Will work with CPU, carrier board, or custom board that supports industry standard PICMG 2.15 PTMC specifications MediaPro resource software modules () MediaPro DSP software is downloaded into the memory of MediaPro DSP hardware Provides high-performance multi-port embedded modems and FAX servers . A high-density VME64 DSP resource board () SCSA TDM access Real-time multiprocessing of communications media datastreams Detection and generation of communications signaling tones PTMC41DSP PMC Mezzanine BoardA PTMC DSP resource board () Provides media conversion on 240 ports Flexible access to the H.110 backplane TDM bus and the carrier boards local PCI bus Real-time multiprocessing of communications media datastreams The SuperSpan VS32 is a VME 64 bus interface, software selectable T1E1J1 digital telephony network controller on a 6U board () A dual software selectable T1E1J1 span configurations, dual 100baseT connections, hot swappable, dual PTMC sites for optional DSP PMC and additional PowerPC 500 MIPS processor. The VS32 high-density dual span provides 60-port channel capacity Capabilities include play, record, call signaling tones, fax, V.22 and V.90 modem, conferencing, and VoIP packet voice through DSP PMC option SCSA backplane provides low latency switching of TDM data A DSP resource board with SCSA-bus-accessable DSP resources () Available with 24 C52 or 20 C549 fixed-point DSPs 128-Kbyte 15nsec SRAM per processor 16 Mbytes of shared DSP cache memory common to all DSPs A 240-port 6300 MIPS, DSP PMC board () Provides a full 240-port capacity for VoIP, telephony functions, T.38 Fax, V.22, V.90 modem, conferencing, or VoATM applications, including G.711 or G.723.1, G.729A, G.726 compression algorithms and G.168 long tail echo cancellation Compliant with PICMG 2.15 PTMC specifications, including access to the carrier board PCI and H.110 TDM buses 350-MIPS PowerPC 8240 executive controller supporting resource management, messaging, data buffers, TCP-UDPIP stacks, and dual redundant 100Base-T E thernet ports The SuperSpan VS34 is a VME 64 bus interface, software selectable T1E1J1 digital telephony network controller on a 6U board () A Quad software selectable T1E1J1 span configurations, dual 100baseT connections, hot swappable, dual PTMC sites for optional DSP PMC and additional PowerPC 500 MIPS processor. The VS34 high-density dual span provides 120-port channel capacity Capabilities include play, record, call signaling tones, fax, V.22 and V.90 modem, conferencing, and VoIP packet voice through DSP PMC option SCSA backplane provides low latency switching of TDM data Conference software C5441 DSP () Getting all the processing performance, memory and high-speed IO is a never ending quest for applications heavy in digital signal processing () Integrating the flexibility of programmable logic makes building a processor even more challenging The Xilinx Virtex-5 SXT platform establishes an industry record for DSP performance delivering 352 GMACs at 550MHz, while consuming 35 percent less dynamic power as compared to previous 90nm generation devices, and is the first DSP-optimized FPGA family to integrate serial transceivers The Virtex-5 SXT platform delivers the highest ratio of DSP blocks-to-logic needed for high-performance digital signal processing applications in wireless, such as WIMAX and high-definition video, such as surveillance and broadcast Avnet Virtex-6 FPGA DSP KitWireless, aerospace and defense, instrumentation and medical imaging applications continue to drive demanding performance requirements for todays sophisticated electronic systems () Due to their inherent hardware structure advantages, Xilinx FPGAs outstrip the high-end computing power of traditional digital signal processors Based on the performance leading Virtex-6 FPGAs, this DSP Kit bundles pre-validated software tools, IP and hardware into a platform that addresses even the most challenging applications With the addition of targeted reference designs, the Virtex-6 FPGA DSP kit enables users to focus on creating their own unique differentiation from the very beginning of the product development process, accelerating development for experienced users while also simplifying the adoption of FPGAs for new users Xilinx ISE Design Suite 11Logic, system, embedded and DSP domain-specific solutions () Pl anAhead8482 Design Analysis tool for optimizing performance ChipScope8482 Pro Analyzer and Serial IO Toolkit for real-time debug and verification System Generator for DSP for developing high-performance DSP systems using MathWorks products Avnet Spartan-6 FPGA DSP KitXilinx FPGAs exceed the computing power of DSPs with their inherent parallelism and offer co-processing methods of performance acceleration for signal processing () The Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA DSP Kit integrates hardware, IP, software development tools and methodologies together into solutions that accelerate development for experienced users and simplify the adoption of FPGAs for new users With the addition of targeted reference designs, these DSP platforms enable users to focus on creating their own unique differentiation from the very beginning of the product development process This kit includes the Xilinx Spartan-6 LX150T board and allows users to quickly learn the different tool flows and design techniques involved in creating DSP centric designs with the Spartan-6 FPGA family Virtex-6 FPGA DSP KitProvides a platform for next generation products that include digital signal processing (DSP) which need to deliver more performance and flexibility with shorter development cycles and less cost and power () Out-of-the-box development solution that quickly builds confidence in developing DSP applications on FPGAs Includes a Xilinx ML605 development board including a Virtex-6 LX240T FPGA, design tools, IP, reference designs, and documentation Supports both traditional RTL and high-level design methodologies and can easily extended to include additional high-level design flows and IO daughter cards through third party partners and standardized integration . An ideal hardware platform to evaluate Xilinx FPGA in a wide range of video and imaging applications () Fully integrated and supported by the Xilinx System Generator for DSP software Utilizes high speed Ethernet hardware cosimulation capability and enables system integration, development, and verification of codecs, IP, and video algorithms in real time Comprised of a limited edition of the System Generator for DSP, Integrated Software Environment (ISE) FPGA design tool, Xilinx ML402-SX35 development board, video IO daughter card (VIODC), CMOS image sensor camera, power supply, cables, and detailed user guide and reference designs ISE Design Suite 12 software unlocks greater design productivity with breakthrough technologies for power optimization and cost () The Design Suite enables the fastest time to design completion with Xilinx Targeted Design Platforms 8211 available in four configurations aligned to user-preferred methodology logic, embedded, DSP, or system design Xilinx Targete d Design Platforms provide embedded, DSP, and hardware designers with access to an array of devices supported by open standards, common design flows, IP, and runtime platforms The ISE Design Suite offers domain-specific design environments and enables designers to meet power and performance goals with Xilinx CPLDs and FPGAs, including the new Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 families Spartan-3A DSPA DSP platform family () Xilinx XtremeDSP slice can be interconnected in creative ways on-chip Highest-performing family member provides 2,200 Gbps memory bandwidth Chips DSP48A slices can realize wide math functions, DSP filters, and complex arithmetic 8211 all at reduced power XtremeDSP DevicesThe Xilinx XtremeDSP initiative helps you develop tailored high performance DSP solutions for aerospace and defense, digital communications, multimedia, video, and imaging industries. () High-performance configurable FPGAs for DSP designs Development boards and Intellectual Property (IP) System Generator and AccelDSP design and development tools XtremeDSP SolutionStart designing using Simulink, MATLAB, or VHDL () HDLbitstream using System Generator for DSP tool Fast, parameterizable FFTs, filters, and FEC cores Free DSP software and IP core evaluations The Kintex8482-7 FPGA DSP Kit includes development boards, IO daughter cards, design tools, and reference designs, and gives designers the industry8217s largest portfolio of DSP, video, and floating-point IP blocks. () Hardware and documentation: KC705 base board with the Kintex-7 XC7K325T-FF900-2 FPGA 4DSP FMC150 high-speed ADCDAC FMC module USB, Ethernet, and MMCX RF coax cables universal power supply Downloadable schematics, BOM, and design files Documentation, including Getting Started Guide Software and IP: Full-seat ISE174 Design Suite Logic Edition, device-locked for the XC7K325T-FF900-2 FPGA CoreGen IP MathWorks174 evaluation software (MATLAB and Simulink) Targeted reference designs and tutorials Getting Started Reference Design High-performance DSP reference design . One integrated front-to-back FPGA IP catalog and design tool suite with unified interoperability () Domain specific design capture for DSP, embedded and logical design Accelerated system development via customization and integrated libraries of optimized IP Design tools optimized to minimize area while maximizing performance for Virtex-5 and Spartan-3 family Platform FPGAs Virtex-4 FPGAs for highest performance DSP () Up to 512, 500 MHz XtremeDSP Slices (18 x 18 multiply, 48-bit add) Virtex-4 for lowest power per channel 8211 each XtremeDSP Slice consumes only 2.3 mW per 100 MHz XtremeDSP Development ToolsModel and design your system using MATLAB, Simulink, and blocksets from The MathWorks () Use the Xilinx bit and cycle accurate library for designing algorithms for the FPGA Import MATLAB algorithms like linear algebra and matrix inversion and multiplication Automatically generate HDL or a bitstream at the push of a button with no loss in performance over designs written in HDL Power s upply 100-240 V, 5060 Hz with universal plug adaptors USB Platform download cable for configuration and debug System Generator for DSP design software
